
Inoshi offers private one on one, semi-private and group meetings in the following areas:

๏ Perceptual Feedback - insightful guidance and sensitive message work to assist you on your path.

๏ Embodied Fitness - gentle physical culture training in seated or moving meditation: Zazen, Qigong and Taiji (Tai Chi).

๏ Energy Medicine Therapy - gentle hands on/ off EM therapy such as Reiki Natural Healing, Therapeutic Touch and Blue Flame systems.

๏ Inyo Sessions - individual or group relevant dialog with trance voice Inyo.

Multiple private meetings with Inoshi may steer to koan work, and upon request to receipt of an essence name (from Inyo), or the donning of a Japanese spiritual name. Contact us to make arrangements.

W 39 & 6th Ave
New York, NY 10018